Guidelines for taking part in dance or exercise classes
Turners Dance Studios prides itself on being a happy learning environment with enjoyment and education being at the root of all our classes. This policy exists to maintain this environment and enable pupils to reach their full potential.
It is widely known that exercise is good for you and whilst our instructors are fully qualified and trained in the subject that they teach, we strongly recommend that you check with your doctor/specialist before starting any exercise programme particularly if you have any pre-existing health conditions such as:
• Arthritis or joint problems
• Diabetes
• Epilepsy
• High/Low Blood pressure
• Pregnancy
• Headaches, Dizzy Spells or Fainting
• Heart problems or chest pains
• Lung or respiratory problems
• Any other conditions that may be affected by exercise
If before or during your dance/exercise session you have any concerns about the nature of the class or require an alternative exercise to suit your health needs, please speak to the instructor immediately. In the case of Under 18’s a parent or guardian must undertake this responsibility to check with their doctor/specialist prior to starting any form of exercise should they have health concerns.
Video & Photography
Family and friends are not permitted to take photos or videos of dance classes. Filming during private lessons is only permitted with prior permission from the teacher.
Teachers may from time to time take photos and videos in class for use on social media and our website however they will announce the photos are being taken before hand. If you do not want your child in any photos please make this known to a member of staff before the class .
Our studios have CCTV. The system is secure and password protected.
Class rules
Please ensure that you wear appropriate clothing and footwear for the class you are taking part in. Chewing gum is strictly prohibited at all times. Please arrive on time for all classes. We may refuse admission if the warm up session has been missed.
Please turn off mobile phones
Food and drink is not permitted in the studios (except for water in adult classes)
Payments and cancellation policy
24 hours notice of cancellation must be given on all private lessons otherwise the lesson must be paid for in full
Guidelines for team and competitive dance styles
All dancers that take part in a team or competitive dance style must take a twice yearly assessment in that particular dance style.
Team members must pay for their place in the team regardless of attendance.
Behaviour Policy
Disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated; class teachers reserve the right to ask pupils to leave the class at any time, if they feel that their behaviour is disturbing the enjoyment and education of other pupils. If a member of staff feels that the behaviour of an individual is continuously disruptive, the management will be informed and the pupil may be asked to leave TDS. Regular attendance is essential for the progression of individuals. Pupils must always be prompt for class and attend regularly. If pupils are absent for any reason then TDS need to be informed.
Behaviour in unsupervised areas, eg changing rooms and toilets, must be acceptable and in line with our behaviour policy.
Management accepts no responsibility for damage or loss of any personal belongings.
ALL pupils must wear the correct uniform for classes. Staff will advise anyone who is uncertain, about what to wear.
- It is the policy of the school to provide efficient, up-to-date, enjoyable and safe instruction in dance to all pupils who enrol in the school or join in the classes or activities.
- The premises and equipment will be checked regularly for any defects or faults that exist or may have developed which might present hazards to any attending the premise.
- The premises will be cleaned regularly to prevent any hazard to health from accumulated dirt or rubbish.
- All instruction will be geared to the previous experience and abilities of the pupil(s) and no person will be required to perform movements beyond their intrinsic capabilities. Staff will be sensitive to all pupils’ religious beliefs and culture.
- No energetic instruction will be given without pupils undergoing a “warm-up” session.
- A day book will be kept to allow records to be kept of any incident in the school, injuries of any nature to staff or pupils and the dates when fire extinguishers, fire alarms and so on have been serviced.
- No very young pupil will be allowed to leave the school premises until
collected by a parent, guardian or other adult authorised to do so by a parent or guardian. A member of staff will remain on the premises until all pupils have let. - No pupil under age 16 will be driven home by a member of staff in his/her car without the permission of a parent or guardian or in the event of an emergency.
- If appropriate, changing facilities will be provided. Where possible parents should supervise their own children in the changing area otherwise supervision will not be by a single adult.
- Disclosure and Barring Service (formerly Criminal Record Bureau) checks to be made.
- Only suitably qualified persons will be employed in a teaching capacity while any student engaged to assist with teaching will only work under the supervision of a qualified member of staff.
- In the event of activities outside the school premises the instructors will regard themselves as being in “loco parentis” and, so far as applicable and within their control, apply the preceding and subsequent guide lines as if the event was in their own studio.
- Teachers will avoid any unnecessary physical contact with pupils.
However parents should understand that some aspects of teaching involve some contact. Where it is necessary teachers will use the utmost discretion and, in any event, not do so without another adult in the room. - The school principal(s) will ensure that s/he and the members of staff are properly covered against incidents involving public liability and professional negligence insurance.
- The school principal(s) undertake not to involve in misleading or false
advertising. - No form of discrimination, by religion, colour, the child’s background and so on will be tolerated in the school.
- At all times, all staff will endeavour to keep the highest standards of
instruction and behaviour. The school principals retain the right to discharge from the school any pupil who persistently disrupts the tuition, uses offensive language, or other anti-social behaviour. - The safety of children during dance classes is of paramount importance to us. Whilst your child is receiving tuition in a studio they are under the care of one of our teachers. However can we please remind parents that we are not responsible for the welfare of children at the following times
• Whilst waiting for the class to be called into the studio
• If the child asks to leave the class for a toilet break
• If the class has an interval for refreshments
• After the class has finished or whilst waiting between two classes if attending more than one
Please be aware of this should you choose to leave your child unattended at the centre.
Privacy Policy
Your personal data is in safe hands with Turners Dance Studios
The privacy and security of your personal information is of paramount importance to us. This privacy policy explains how and why we use your personal data across many areas within our business.
We will never sell your personal data.
Classes Files
A large percentage of our classes are paid for at our front desks. For bookings of this nature we will request first name, surname and a quick reference telephone number for the person taking part in the class. The quick reference telephone number would only be used in emergency or if a member of staff wished to contact you to discuss details about the class concerned. It will never be used for marketing purposes.
Teachers retaining phone numbers
Customers may choose to give their telephone number to their individual
teachers as a convenient method of contact and communication. Teachers
will always treat this information as confidential and will never pass onto a
third party without prior permission.
Class Registers
Teachers of each class will take a register of names for the purpose of
recording attendance and class preparation work. They will keep these filed and with them at all times when at the studio. Once leaving the studio they will be stored securely. After use they will be destroyed.
Showcase Consent Forms
Prior to our annual showcase productions, it is a requirement for us to ask parents of dancers to complete a consent form to confirm details about the performer. This includes personal data such as name, address, school etc and also sensitive personal data such as medical conditions. The information will be securely stored in the same way as our general membership system.